.057 - VendaVolt Clear Token Visa & MasterCard Cell Phone App Payment Electricity Timer Station For; Hours, Days or Weeks 50A/30A/20A RV Power Outlet Boxes. The Funds Are Sent Directly To You. "No Cost" On The VendaVolt Shared Revenue Agreement.

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Minimum quantity for ".057 - VendaVolt Clear Token Visa & MasterCard Cell Phone App Payment Electricity Timer Station For; Hours, Days or Weeks 50A/30A/20A RV Power Outlet Boxes. The Funds Are Sent Directly To You. "No Cost" On The VendaVolt Shared Revenue Agreement." is 1.

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We manufacture the VendaVolt Cashless Cell Phone Visa & MasterCard Payment Station "Kits" that mounts on the top, front or back of your existing RV pedestal power station. A super bright LED lamp illuminates when payment is made and stays illuminated until the payment time cycle for electricity ends. In the event of electrical power failure the remaining time left is restored preventing loss of electrical service. Payment is in 24 hour cycles from 1 day to 30 days.

Clear Token Monthly administrative fee is $5.00 per device. Credit & debit Visa/MasterCard processing fee is 3.95% on each transaction.

If you do not see what you are looking for, please email us and we will get you a quote.

Choose either for 50/30A/20A 125/250 Volt or 30A/30A/20A.

Click on this link to view the YouTube Video of the New Jersey Motorsports Park huge installation of 92 RV Electricity Outlet Cashless Payment Timer Stations or the actual view of the VendaVolt in action on YouTube. Click this link.

Click this link to view a YouTube video of an installation for vending electricity for RV's.

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