VendaVolt Credit/Debit Cards, Cash Bills & Coin Acceptance Timer Payment Machine Station. Connect from 1 - 8 110~120 or 220~240 volt electrical devices to to the eight (8) 15 amp relays. Will Send a Vend Pulse Signal to Trigger the XCP Timer Control Board. Eight (8) different output times and prices can be configured. Example; $1.75 for 1 hour, $3.50 for 2 hours, $7.00 for 4 hours for lighting. Ideal for; Bulk Water, Showers, Laundries, Snooker & Pool Tables, Gun Range Heating/lighting, Hockey or Tennis/Soccer/Pickleball Field Lighting. Operates on 100~240 volts AC.
(IMPORTANT! Please specify the input voltage and output powered number of 1 - 8 devices that will be time cycle vended)
Nayax Vpos Touch Credit/Debit Cashless Payment Station with antenna
Quarter or dollar coin mechanism (selectable) Quarter is configured to send 4 pulses to equal a dollar value whereas $1.00 coin sends 1 pulse
Stacker Cassette Bill acceptor that accepts; $1 - $5 - $10 & $20 bills that sends four (40 quarter pulses for each dollar inserted. Can be programmed to accept $50.00 and $100.00 bills.
One (1) Enclosure , Waterproof with 3 door locks, Fiberglass Enclosure with dimensions of: 15.7" X 11.8" X 7.9" Wall or Pole Mount, weight 18 pounds.
Pulse Mode Harness for the VendaVolt 8 Push Button Selection to the coin and bill acceptor
Eight (8) 15 amp relay with common & normally open contacts.
This product price does not include UPS shipping fees and only refers to the price of the item itself.